Workshop on Educated Load Profile Guessing


Sep 15, 2022 15:30-16:30 o’clock


Same building as the conference
Room HS 1108


Load profile (photo from Center for Secure Energy Informatics)

15-minute load profiles from smart meters reveal some household appliances as well as consumer behavior. However, most load profile data sets contain little or no information about appliances or behavior. This is although many members of the Energy Informatics community are experts on electrotechnical household, room and/or appliance characteristics. This workshop aims at bringing together those members of the community who possess load profile data sets – with or without behavioral data – and those who know appliance characteristics. Furthermore, interactive discussions on sample load profiles are intended to initiate educated guesses about what they must reveal. The overall goal is to foster research cooperation in the form of projects and publications as well as to enable data and knowledge exchange.

The workshop will be moderated by members of the Center for Secure Energy Informatics who have published on appliance and behavior detection in 15-minute load profiles. Sample load profiles – both, with and without the associated ground truth about appliances and behavior – will be provided by the workshop moderators.

The workshop documentation can be found here.