Conference ONLINE program

Wednesday 28th October 2020

09:00 – 17:00 Workshops

Thursday 29th October 2020


09:00 Briefing of the day
09:15 Opening
09:30 – 10:30 Keynote : Prof. Dr. Frank Krysiak
10:45 – 12:00 Session I
13:00 –  13:45 Posters Madness
14:00 –  14:00 Session II
14:20 Closing – End of the day

Friday 30th October 2020

09:00 Briefing of the day / Announcements
09:15 – 10:15 Keynote 2 : Prof. Dr. Rune Hylsberg Jacobsen
10:45 – 12:00 Session III
13:00 – 14:00 Posters / Madness
14:30 – 15:45 Session IV
16:00 Conference Closing


Session 1

  • Comparative Study of Algorithms for Optimized Control of Industrial Energy Supply Systems. Thomas Kohne, Heiko Ranzau, Niklas Panten and Matthias Weigold
  • Impact of Communication Latency on Distributed Optimal Power Flow Performance. Clemens Korner, Catalin Gavriluta, Filip Pröstl Andrén, Marcus Meisel and Thilo Sauter
  • Detection of heat pumps from smart meter and open data. Andreas Weigert, Konstantin Hopf, Nicolai Weinig and Thorsten Staake 

Session 2

  • Comparison of Approaches for Intrusion Detection in Substations using the IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol. Michael Egger, Günther Eibl and Dominik Engel 
  • Modeling Interconnected ICT and Power Systems for Resilience Analysis. Amit Dilip Patil, Jonas Haack, Martin Braun, and Hermann De Meer 
  • State Description of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems Marcel Klaes, Anand Narayan, Amit Dilip Patil, Jonas Haack, Martin Lindner, Christian Rehtanz, Martin Braun, Sebastian Lehnhoff and Hermann De Meer
  • Trust Assessment of Power System States. Michael Brand, Davood Babazadeh, Carsten Krüger, Björn Siemers and Sebastian Lehnhoff

Session 3

  • Flexibility Quantification in Households: A Swiss Case Study. Yousra Sidqi, Pierre Ferrez, Dominique Gabioud and Pierre Roduit 
  • Evaluating Different Machine Learning Techniques as Surrogate for Low Voltage Grids. Stephan Balduin1, Tom Westermann2 and Erika Puiutta 
  • Non intrusive load monitoring for demand side management. Matteo Salani, Marco Derboni, Davide Rivola, Vasco Medici, Lorenzo Nespoli, Federico Rosato and Andrea E. Rizzoli
  • Flexibility Management and Provision of Balancing Services with Battery-Electric Automated Guided Vehicles in the Hamburg Container Terminal Altenwerder. Stefanie Holly, Astrid Nieße, Martin Tröschel, Lasse Hammer, Christoph Franzius, Viktor Dmitriyev, Johannes Dorfner, Eric Msp Veith, Christine Harnischmacher, Maike Greve, Kristin Masuch, Lutz Kolbe, Boris Wulff and Julian Kretz

Session 4

  • Agent-Based Bidirectional Charging Algorithms for Battery Electric Vehicles in Renewable Energy Communities to Maximise Renewable Self-Consumption Arne Surmann, Rohit Walia and Robert Kohrs
  • A Socio-Psychological Modal Choice Approach to Modelling Mobility and Energy Demand for Electric Vehicles. Khoa Nguyen and René Schumann 
  • Time-Dependent Pricing Using Variable Announcement Horizons. Philipp Artur Kienscherf, John Collins, Carlee Joe-Wong, Wolfgang Ketter and Soumya Sen
  • An Operational Strategy for District Heating Networks: Application of Data-Driven Heat Load Forecasts. Armin Golla, Julian Geis, Timon Loy, Philipp Staudt and Christof Weinhardt